Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Its amazing what a week can contain... 7 days...168 hours. As I sit here in close to another Tuesday I think back about where I was one week ago. Sitting at the Round Rock Chamber Banquet, and had invited my parents to come because Matt had to be in class. I was anticipating this evening. Just a year before I set out to accomplish a goal, and throughout the year worked so hard to attain it. I came to the chamber in May of 08. At the 08 banquet I saw that one of my fellow Ambassadors won Ambassador of the year. It was then and there that I wanted to re-establish the Children's Home (Now Children At Heart Ministries) in writing in front of 500 or so people. What a way to establish my credibility with the local business community? I knew then and there that I wanted to work hard and represent the children and families we serve throughout the year and hopefully at the 09 Banquet. For several months I had won Ambassador of the Month and by the end of the year I sealed my goal. As the Banquet went on last Tuesday my heart was racing, not because I knew I finally had come full circle, but sitting beside me were my parents. The ones who introduced me to the children's home. These are the ones who taught me to care for others. Certainly I could not go up and get an award without saying anything. Maybe it wasn't my most classy move to have Charley cut the music, but it was what was right. This wasn't about me, its about their investment. Tuesday night was about them, and I'm glad I shared the moment with them.

As the night progressed I looked forward to my friend's dad's award. Big Boy Hester was going to receive the Lifetime Award, and he didn't know it. I kept sneaking glances over at their table as the night progresses, and we were only one or two recipients away from his special night. The pride on Tamara's face was so great to watch. Well the next thing I know I'm hearing that someone is getting an award and this person seems to be doing alot of the things I've been doing. By the time it hits me, I look over at Mr. B who had it figured out long before. I'm not sure of exactly what all Hollis said, but I'm sure it was nice. I just tried to compose myself and make it to the stage to receive Outstanding Member of the Year.

I can't begin to explain the honor that it is to receive some sort of award like this. Especially when you do what you love. Its already my honor to work in the role I do. So for a week I've just been feeling like I'm on a cloud.

Today brought me back. I understand that it's nice to receive awards for doing your job, but what matters really falls to the type of person you are... what kind of friend you'll be... which leads me to share about the other experience that's been going on and honors me today.

Not quite a year ago I met Connie. Connie is a representative from Callaway, and drove by our campus every day, not really knowing what we do. She got online and found our golf marathon, and wanted to connect Callaway to our mission. We had a couple of lunch dates, and Callaway was so gracious and generous. I couldn't thank them more. I remember it was about 9pm one night and I saw I was getting a call from Callway. I thought to not work at home, but my business is people, my friends, so even though we had only gone to lunch a couple of times I answered the call.

Hi Connie


What's going on, Connie?


Connie, what's up? Is everything Ok?


My heart stopped.

Connie, a beautiful woman I only wish I could be as fit as, proceeds to tell me that today she got a diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer at 43. She's called me from the movie theater. Her newly wedded husband and son (untold of this news) remained in the theater, but she couln't force herself go through the motions. Only Randy, she and I had this news (other than the doctors), and as we finsihed our call my heart sank with my new friend, and I had only a small sense of the responsbility I felt in my friendship to Connie.

Today we had lunch- it was at "our spot" (Cheddars). I've grown accustomed to our frank honesty and find it refreshing. Today I made sure she had something in place to let me know when she dies. We've talked about her funeral, what will happen to her body after to get her to her final resting place. Our times together leave me with a feeling I've never experienced before. Well today as I drove away I had that feeling of when you get on a roller coaster, and realize there's no getting off it. Anywho. They've now done everything they can, nothing slows its progress. She shared that tonight was going to be the first night that hospice comes by the house. The doctor has given her 2-4 months, and the ridiculous thing is if you look at Connie, you'd NEVER know. I've seen her bald, but by the looks of things, and with the help of a wig she's quickly transported into the everyday. Part of me wanted to tell our waitress to be extra careful and attentive today, since she wouldn't know the pain Connie is in. I didn't because I didn't want to call attention to Connie, but it made me mad later when she asked for some extra salad dressing and we went 3/4 through our meal before she ever returned to check on us.

Well Connie and I have become friends. I know about her marriage, her boys... her three young men who are struggling so much with this. And Connie, everytime we get together, sure she may vent a little about how this is her last Halloween, or she won't get to see the next Golf Marathon or miss her son's wedding, but what she worries most about are how her husband and boys are reacting to this. And what I'm left wondering is... who am I to desserve her time, her attention, hearing her fears and hopes. I'm just a development officer, and God's allowing me to serve. Am I big enough for the role?

I certainly don't have the answers, but I can be her friend, and that is more of an honor than any beautiful glass trophy. Again, I am inlove with my job to allow me to be a friend to those who come in my path. While I hope that they may be able to do something for the single mothers, the children or other families, I know that these partnerships have the potential for running much deeper, and it is my honor to serve in this role.