Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pack in the travels!

This last week was spent in Florida at Pensacola Beach with Matt's Mom, Dad, sister and her boyfriend. Unlike our first visit, this trip did not include a tropical storm, rescuing men from the sea, sharks or mandatory evacuations due to an impending hurricane. Rather the days were spent lazily moving from our 8th floor condo to the white sandy beaches to the green clear waves back to the sand... eat... back to the sand... and intermittenly bouts of beach baseball and paddle ball. Two nights were spent chasing crabs with nets. Over all an incredible vacation of rest and relaxation.

Heading out, we drove Friday as long as we could and finally pulled off the highway in Covington, LA. I think the last time Matt and I checked into a hotel by ourselves was just after our wedding, and all the funny feelings of asking for one room with one bed came back... so scandelous after 3 years of marriage...

Saturday we had breakfast and finished the drive in, having the condo mostly to ourselves until Matt's family arrived that evening.

Matt was so good to "take care of his family" by getting us both SPF 90 sunscreen. It's amazing I got any sun at all, but I do give him kuddos as I was in the minority of those who did not get burned.

Matt got to play golf twice with his dad. Matt said he didn't play as well as he'd like one day, and his dad reportedly played pretty well... funny enough they shared the same score.

Thankfully the oil spill had not affected the pristine beaches of Pensacola Beach. However, we were able to witness a lot of the marine life, which I attribute to possibly looking for cleaner waters? We often saw families of Porpoises jumping in the water and slapping their tails. We also learned what cowrays (sp?) are... as they invaded our swimming area. It was great watching them, but made for paranoid swimming.

Our drive home was Sunday... 12 hours! We stopped in Baton Rouge Downtown and ate at Lucy's. Their Brunch was pretty awesome and made us both want to nap. Matt went down for two hours while I took turns with each eye getting an extended blink... eventually my California Eggs Benedict lost it's power and we crossed into Texas, just in time for Matt to take on Houston!

Determined not to miss the final episode of LOST, I called Ashely to DVR the episode and ordered a pizza to meet us at her house (She had been watching Dusty. Thanks Ash!) Got to her place nearly 12 hours after leaving the beach, and after watching LOST we got home at 11:30, and fell in bed at midnight!

It was a great vacation- thanks to Matt's family for making it such a wonderful trip!

Now the question- Chicago or not to catch the cards play the cubs!?!

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