Tuesday, September 4, 2012

24 Weeks

School is done, and we're still waiting for life to slow down.  Weekend before last we had a whirl wind trip to Arkansas for Matt's 10 year high school reunion.  It was hard to believe it was my first trip up there since Christmas, but so good to spend some time with family, however brief it was.  This past weekend we took a trip to Dallas and went to Naz Nite at Six Flags and then spent the night with our friends, the Young's.  I didn't have many options for rides, so I did sneak onto Yosemite Sam's Gold Mine float ride and the swings, but otherwise got in some good walking and enjoyed the great company of great friends.

This week the baby is supposedly a little over a pound and the lungs are warming up for breathing.  Otherwise, its all about growing... brain is still developing, white blood cells are kicking into action, and I do believe he has the hiccups on occasion.  I can't really tell, but ever so often his movements get rhythmic for 4 or 5 times... perhaps he just has more rhythm than his mom.

It's really hard to believe we're 24 weeks along, and the newest development this week is Braxton Hick's contractions. I've now had 3 or 4. I always wanted rock hard abs... It is the weirdest feeling- the first time I was just sitting on the couch and resting. The second time was last night... Matt and I came up pretty quickly on the toll road on an accident emergency crews were just responding to. I think that one might have been stress related, and then I had one or two more last night, and think they were just set off my that previous one. I do have a doctor's appointment coming up this week, so I'll make sure it's nothing more than what I'm supposed to be experiencing, but according to everything my apps are saying and what I'm reading online- we're in the clear.

Yesterday was also quite the milestone- Matt and I had our 6th wedding anniversary.  We're so blessed to have each other.  Last night I just looked across the table and reminisced about all we had done together... getting each other through school, moving 4 times, and now- having a baby.  The rough times, the good times, and thinking this is my life.  My world is right here with him.  I'm so lucky to have this man in my life, and to be loved like he loves me.  I've never loved something or someone so much.  Just knowing we're finite and someday there will be a goodbye (100 years from now) will always bring me to tears. (That's even before all these hormones set in). I love him.

Matt's doing well at work.  I'm so proud of him.  We both get up for work together and have breakfast in the morning together.  It's a new welcomed addition to my routine.

I'm still working and trying to keep up with my former pace.  I do have the luxury of a comfortable recliner in my office which has been awesome for my swollen tailbone and ankles that swell on occasion.  My co-workers are all so very sweet to me and pop by on occasion to offer to grab things for me or help in any way.  I'm pretty independent, but I do recognize the blessing it is to have such sweet people that care about you.

To close out my update, I'll share the latest food craving- white cream gravy- goes best on french fries from Braum's and milk shakes.  Milk shakes seem to help the burning lava that is heart burn, and they just taste good!  I still really can't do chicken in any type of large quanity.  Oh how I hate chicken right now... yuck!

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